Extraordinary Places

Looking for a natural wonder, historical treasure, or a site so unique, you can’t afford to miss it? Search through our collection of Extraordinary Places—an ever-growing list of places worth the detour.

Discover Extraordinary

What is an Extraordinary Place?

Extraordinary Places are the places that stay with you long after visiting. They are the places that fill you with wonder. They are epic natural wonders, weird roadside attractions, and deeply meaningful monuments. Simply put, Extraordinary Places turn a great road trip into an unforgettable adventure.

Why should you go?

Extraordinary Places are hand-picked by the Roadtrippers team of experts and your fellow roadies. We’ve been there, and we think you should go, too. Be sure to read some of our personal takes on what make these places so special.

How do you find them?

Our Extraordinary Places are on the Roadtrippers maps and in the trip planner. Look for the colorful icons to locate all Extraordinary Places across the map. Start planning today!

We've added 58 new Extraordinary Places

What do a Stonehenge replica made out of old cars, a 50,000-year-old crater, and a building-sized baseball bat have in common? You can find them all in our newest batch of Extraordinary Places.

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