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Worcester Essential Info


Worcester is in central Massachusetts approximately 45 mi. (72 km) west of Boston.

Description is available from Wikitravel under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license. A list of contributors is available at the original article.


Best Time To Go


Current Time

Current Weather

69 °F


Fun Facts

  1. Worcester is home to the oldest musical festival held in the United States.
  2. Worcester was the home of Worcester State Insane Asylum Hospital where the first established treatments for mental illness were used in the United States.
  3. The first American valentine cards were designed by a woman in Worcester named Esther Howland.
  4. Worcester was incorporated in 1722 and given the name of a historic township in England.
  5. A heart is used as the symbol of this city because Worcester is referred to as being the heart of the commonwealth.

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