Upgrade your trip to Extraordinary. The first 7 days are on us.

Upgrade your trip to Extraordinary. The first 7 days are on us.

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Try Roadtrippers Premium free for 7 days

Choose your membership level, and try out all the great features of Premium free for 7 days!

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Compare features to find the perfect plan for you.

Saved trips
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Trip export
Ad free
Trip collaboration
Overnight RV parking
Member deals
Live traffic
Offline maps

Compare plans

Compare features to find the perfect plan for you.

Saved trips
Stops per trip
Custom map styles
Trip export
Ad free
Trip collaboration
Overnight RV parking
Member deals
Live traffic
Offline maps
Membership price

Upgrade today to take advantage of these features:

Plan longer trips

Plan longer trips

Add up to 150 stops to your route, including gas stations, accommodations, attractions, hiking trails, and extraordinary places.

RV-friendly tools

RV-friendly tools

RV there yet? Upgrade today to access our best-in-class RV GPS. Find overnight RV parking, campgrounds, hookups, and more.
* RV GPS available only in the United States

Trip collaboration

Trip collaboration

Bring your travel companions along. Collaborate in real time, and build better journeys with a little help from your friends.

Member deals

Member deals

Hit the road with exclusive savings on travel gear, campground bookings, RV rentals, and more from our partners.

Will my membership automatically renew?

All Roadtrippers memberships automatically renew annually on the date you signed up. You’ll receive a renewal reminder email before your renewal date, and you can view your renewal date and cancel future renewals anytime from your profile settings.

We’d hate to see you go, but if you do cancel future renewals, rest assured that you will continue to have access to your membership benefits until your membership expires.

Can I upgrade my membership after signing up?

You can upgrade your membership at any time for a prorated amount based on how far along you are in your current membership. To learn more about how to manage your membership, click here.

How does the free trial work?

After entering your card, you will automatically receive a 7-day trial of Roadtrippers Premium for free. At the end of your trial, your card will be charged for your chosen membership tier. You can make changes to your membership at any time by visiting your profile settings.

How can I manage my membership?

The way to manage your membership varies slightly depending on if you signed up through our website or through our mobile apps. If you signed up through our website, you can manage your subscription from your profile settings. If you signed up through our mobile app, you’ll need to manage your subscription in your Apple or Play Store account settings. You can learn more about how to manage your subscription here.

Why adventure seekers love Roadtrippers

"Tears of joy"

“After 5 days of using three maps and five different apps, I found Roadtrippers. I was telling my boyfriend as we sat in the RV and started crying as I described it to him. Happy days.”
Olivia T.

"Absolutely love this app"

"If you go on even one road trip a year it’s worth it. I use it to find new and unusual stuff in my area… LOVE IT!”
Lindsey L.

"Makes planning fun"

“I’m planning a 60-day road trip and this app makes it so much fun and far less work! I couldn’t imagine trying to plan a trip without it now.”
David M.

"Discovered new things"

"Fantastic! Really useful with road trips and with finding things in my city I didn't know existed. Seriously, I recommend it to everyone, I love it!"
Nick R.